2017 Cx Round Robin

From Engineered Residual Stress Implementation (ERSI)
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Point of Contact(s): Robert Pilarczyk
Objective: To identify the random and systematic uncertainties associated with Damage Tolerance Analyses (DTA) that incorporate residual stresses produced by Cold Expansion (Cx) of fastener holes. Many factors influencing the total uncertainty have been discussed and are currently under investigation by various members of the ERSI team. For the first round-robin exercise, the focus will be on systematic uncertainties, or the uncertainty associated with the system or process used by the analyst (also known as epistemic uncertainties or model-form uncertainties). Specific input data will be provided to each analyst participating in the exercise to minimize the random uncertainties associated with these types of analyses. The analyst is free to use any means to incorporate the residual stress into the DTA, any software suite, etc., however it’s important that the analyst adheres closely to the guidance so that the variability in the predictions will be limited to the aspects left to analyst’s discretion.
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